This airline has got everything in place to support the requirements of passengers. From quality in-flight services to support customer care services, this airline has ticked all the boxes. If you are looking to know about the cancellation and refund policies of this airline, then this post is the right one for you.
How to cancel an Alaska Airlines flight ticket?
Canceling flight booking with this airline is very easy. You can cancel Alaska Airlines flight tickets in minutes by calling the customer care agents of this airline. They can assist you with a quick cancellation process and also update you if you are eligible for methods. Other ways by which you can cancel the flight ticket are by visiting the airport counter or the official website of this airline.
Cancellation policy of Alaska Airlines
- If you have purchased a ticket and you are looking to cancel it within 24 hours of doing the flight reservation, you can cancel it easily without any extra fee. You will get a full refund without any deduction in this case. You just need to be sure about the condition that your flight departure is at least 7 days away from the date of booking the ticket.
- If you have bought a refundable ticket from this airline, then you can cancel the flight ticket anytime and seek a refund in the original payment method via which you have booked the ticket.
- If you have opted for the Saver Fare type with this airline, then you cannot cancel the ticket when the flight departure is within 24 hours.
- For fare types except for Saver Fare, you can cancel and modify your flight ticket with this airline till the scheduled departure of the flight.
- You can make flight changes within 24 hours of booking the flight but for that, you need to pay a change fee from 25 USD to 50 USD. In such cases, if you have a status like MVP Gold 75k or MVP Gold then you can easily get this fee waived by the staff of this airline.
- If you have got an award ticket then for a cancellation you can speak with the customer support team of this airline. This way you can get that back in your Mileage Plan miles easily.
These are the main points that you need to remember regarding Alaska Airlines' cancellation policy. One thing you need to note is that these policies can change in the future which is why always stay updated about this policy if you travel regularly on the flights of this airline.
The refund policy of Alaska Airlines
Getting a refund from this airline is very easy if you are canceling the flight reservation within 24 hours of the reservation. In this case, you will get a full refund. If you are canceling the flight ticket after 24 hours of booking the flight then you will get a refund depending on the fare type. For Saver Fare, you will get credits to your account with Alaska Airlines which you can use in the future. For other types of fares after paying the cancellation fee you will get a refund to your original paying method.
According to Alaska Airline refund policy, you get reimbursement and compensation too. If the flight is canceled by this airline, they will do the required compensation without you even asking about it. For delayed flights also you are eligible for compensation and you get access to the VIP lounge that is usually available at the airport. If you have any further queries get in touch with the customer support of this airline