Due to some unavoidable circumstances, if you want to cancel your booked flight ticket of Copa airlines but, don't have any idea about the cancellation & refund rules and also, you wish to know about the How To Cancel Copa Airlines Flight Ticket? So, just follow the below-presented step-by-step guide.
How to cancel Copa Airlines Flight Ticket
Travelers can cancel their booking directly from the website of Copa airlines, they can take assistance from the travel representative by helpline number and directly cancel their booking from the Copa Airlines reservation counter. Let's see the complete information using the below-mentioned step-by-step guide.
Cancel your Copa Airlines Flight Ticket from the online website:
- Visit the official website of Copa Airlines via any web browser.
- Then, tap on the 'Manage Your Booking' under your trip category.
- After then, enter the 'Reservation Code' and 'Last Name' of the traveler.
- Next, click on the 'Find your reservation' button and select your booking.
- Select and press the 'Cancel' button and your booking will cancel.
Cancel a Delta Flight ticket via phone:
This is another easiest way to cancel your booked flight ticket using the cancellation help desk number. To get instant cancellation. Let’s see the complete procedure to cancel your booked flight ticket the Delta airlines via phone number.
- Just, dial the toll-free helpline number.
- Then, connect with a Delta airlines representative.
- Over the call, just share your booking code and traveler's name.
- Get complete assistance for the cancellation as well as a refund request.
Cancel your Copa Airlines Flight Ticket from Airport:
- Just, visit the nearest airport or authorized flight ticket booking counter.
- After visiting the airport, just locate the Copa Airlines reservation counter.
- Just, fill out the cancellation form and submit that form along with your booked flight ticket.
- The travel agent will cancel your booking also, and he/she will submit your refund request.
Copa Airlines Cancellation Policy:
- As per the cancellation rules, travelers are allowed to cancel their booking up to 2 hours before departure. But, if any traveler wants to save their cancellation charges and penalties then, cancel the booking within 24 hours of the ticket purchase.
- Travelers can only cancel their booking from the official website of Copa airlines or registered travel agent or directly from the airport.
- According to the Copa Airlines cancellation policy, For special cases such as major injury or relative death, travelers can raise the refund request without any cancellation charges, but the traveler needs to submit the related document to the concerned authority.
- Copa Airlines introduces their cancellation charges for domestic & international flights. If the travelers cancel their booking after 24 hours from the purchasing then travelers need to pay 100 US dollars to 400 US dollars as a cancellation charge. But the cancellation charges are dynamic, and it can also consider the distance, fare type, class, or other major factors.
Copa Airlines Refund Policy:
- The refund policy will apply after the cancellation of the booking and also, the travelers' ticket must be refundable.
- The refund amount will transfer 7 to 10 working days after the cancellation but, in some special cases, travelers need to raise a separate refund request.
- The refund amount will credit to the same bank account number of the traveler which was used for the booking.
Copa Airlines Compensation for the flight delayed:
- As per the rule, the late flight must depart from the European airport.
- If the flight has been delayed more than 3 hours from the departure time then, travelers can claim 700 US dollars per person as compensation.
- In case, the flight has been delayed due to the airline industry strike or any maintenance problem then, travelers are eligible to claim flight delay compensation after submitting the request.